Friday, October 30, 2009


FOREX (FOReign EXchange market) is an international foreign exchange market, where money is sold and bought freely. In its present condition FOREX was launched in the 1970s, when free exchange rates were introduced, and only the participants of the market determine the price of one currency against the other proceeding from supply and demand. m aketiva

As far as the freedom from any external control and free competition are concerned, FOREX is a perfect market. It is also the biggest liquid financial market. According to various assessments, money masses in the market constitute from 1 to 1.5 trillion US dollars a day. (It is impossible to determine an absolutely exact number because trading is not centralized on an exchange.) Transactions are conducted all over the world via telecommunications 24 hours a day from 00:00 GMT on Monday to 10:00 pm GMT on Friday.

Practically in every time zone (that is, in Frankfurt-on-Main, London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, etc.) there are dealers who will quote currencies.

FOREX is a more objective market, because if some of its participants would like to change prices, for some manipulative purpose, they would have to operate with tens of billions dollars. That is why any influence by a single participants in the market is practically out of the question. The superior liquidity allows the traders to open and/or close positions within a few seconds. The time of keeping a position is arbitrary and has no limits: from several seconds to many years. It depends only on your trading strategies. Although the daily fluctuations of currencies are rather insignificant, you may use the credit lines, that are accessible even to currency speculators with small capitals ($ 1,000 - 5,000), where the profit may be impressive. read more..

At Forex, Foreign exchange quotes are a relation between currencies.maketiva

USDCHF - the cost of $1 in Swiss Francs.
USDJPY - the cost of $1 in Japanese yens.
EURUSD - the cost of Euro 1 in US dollars.
GBPUSD - the cost of 1 GBP in US dollars.

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Indicator Chart Setting ,Forex Market Time Chart, Support and Resistant ,Associate of Forex Charting ,Forex News What is Marketiva? And FOREX?
With more than 130,000 serviced users, 80,000 unique and live Forex trading accounts, and 2.3 million live orders executed each month, Marketiva is one of the most popular Forex (Foreign Exchange) dealers in the world. What is Forex trading? Marketivamaketiva

Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the direct access trading of foreign currencies. With an average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, Forex is 46 times larger than all the futures markets combined and, for that reason, is the world's most liquid market. How much money do I need
to start trading Forex? Marketiva

With its industry-leading platform, Marketiva allows you to start trading in Forex market with as little as $1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other Forex dealers require at least $500 to start with. May I open a demo account
and try the system first?maketiva

Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one Marketiva account, you can try the system using the same account you can later use for live Forex trading. In any case, you can open your Marketiva account for free! How do I choose between
Mini and Standard Forex account?

Marketiva's trading platform allows you to specify any quantity in your order form, including 10000 (mini) or 100000 (standard). If you specify quantity 1, your margin requirement will be 1 cent (1%). maketiva

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